COVID-19 Stopped Sports ... Here’s How To Help Prevent That From Happening Again

If you’re involved in sports at any level—youth, high-school, college, professional or amateur—you know how devastating it was to learn that the Coronavirus was forcing the premature end to your sports season. 

How is it possible that a virus that began in China forced March Madness, the NBA, UFC and countless leagues across America to shut-down?

People who think that exposure to germs is good for people because it improves their immunity don’t understand the severity of illnesses like COVID-19 and the way similar viruses can sicken and kill people, and also cripple the games and pastimes we love. 

So many people, especially our youth, rely on sports and athletic competition to stay grounded and disciplined amid all the distractions in their lives. High school and college student-athletes in particular need the outlet sports provide and want the joy that athletic competition brings them and their families.   

If you’re a coach, involved in athletics or manage sports teams at any level, you need to educate your players on how to stay germ-free. The bus rides, train rides, shuttles and flights your teams take are dangerous if they're not actively disinfecting and protecting the areas they touch. A study in 2018 showed that surfaces we never considered as being germ-filled, such as headrests, are actually the most bacteria-riddled surfaces on planes. E. coli and other harmful bacteria linger on arm rests, seat pockets, seat belts, and many other surfaces on planes, trains and buses.

iFLY Smart’s Healthy Kit was made for players commuting to and from practices and games when their exposure to germs and viruses is high. 

You can contact iFLY Smart about bulk discounts and subscription programs that will help you control your players’ hygiene and keep them safe.  

Reach out to us here if you’d like to learn about bulk discounts and our subscription program.