Cruise Bookings Are Up ... a Sign of Things to Come

While many parts of the world, including the United States, are planning a way back to normalcy, travelers are proving to be much more ready and eager to return to their adventures. 

Leisure travel is on its way back as we’re seeing a strong return of short-distance road trips. People are trying to find easy and safe ways to escape and enjoy the start of summer and road trips make a ton of sense.

On top of that, cruise lines, including Carnival and Norwegian, are reporting a large increase in bookings for August 2020. In fact, bookings for 2021 are way up above year-over-year comps. Through our iFLY Luggage brand, we closely monitor travel and are very encouraged by what we’re seeing. 

After road trips and cruises return, we expect to see domestic flights, business trips and then international flights pick up as well in that order.

For now, we’re pleased to see that cruise bookings are way up and will continue watching how and when travelers fully resume their traveling ways. What’s very clear is that travelers are super-focused on staying healthy and germ-free while they travel and throughout their journeys  

We built our smart kits precisely for travel and have seen so many different use cases over the past 3 months with people being very aware of germs and the benefits of staying protected with our antiseptic wipes, face masks and more.

If you’re looking for our smart kits, you’re in the right place as they’re now back in stock and ready to ship.